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The following is news coverage on people, organizations and events related to orphanages, both religious and non-religious

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A US military patrol in Baghdad has discovered a government-run special needs orphanage with children kept in horrific conditions.
The soldiers initially thought the 24 boys were dead when they saw them emaciated, lying strewn over the floor of the facility.
Three people were reportedly cooking food for themselves, but none for the children.
The soldiers also found plenty of fresh food and brand new clothing stored on the premises, but neither were given to the boys.
The soldiers believe the food and clothing was instead being sold locally at markets.
These children belong to a group of 100 or so homeless orphans who have no place to go. A crew of volunteers from the US have gathered them up over the past month and have done all that they can to provide very basic care and outdoor shelter in the form of make shift tarps. Their stories are varied. But they all have one thing in common: Their families are all gone and there's no one left to care for them. The charitable Americans thought if they could provide temporary assistance to these children, that surely some authority or aid organization would come forward and accept responsibility for these displaced kids. That has not happened. The earthquake has taken the lives of some 250,000 people and the homes of millions have been destroyed. There just aren't enough resources available to provide earthquake victims the basic needs, considering the size and scope of this disaster.

Now the American volunteers must head home to Haiti and Africa and the children under their temporary care are out of time. They've asked us to take in these children so that they don't have to walk away from 100 or more homeless orphans. Our resources are already spread so thin, that it will be incredibly difficult to find a way to feed more mouths and provide more care. We are willing to do the work here on the ground, but we are going to need more money.  A monthly recurring donation helps even more because financial support is needed every single month to provide care for these children. Please help our brothers and sisters in Haiti with a donation today.


Pictures of the inhuman conditions have been given exclusively to CBS News in America.
Warning: this story contains images which may be upsetting for some viewers.
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